Visual Arts Courses

Full Year Grades 11 – 12
Minimum Prerequisites: Commitment Contract, B or higher in previous Visual Arts class, Visual Arts teacher recommendation.
Over the course of this year long class, students with exceptional skill in drawing, painting or mixed media, or ceramics will build a portfolio of twenty-four works to be submitted to the AP board of review. Students work independently inside and outside the classroom in the media that best displays their artistic vision.
First semester students focus on breadth, creating a range of artworks that show advanced skill. Second semester students focus on concentration, picking a theme and creating a body of twelve works that support that theme. Summer projects will be assigned prior to the start of the class and sketchbooks are expected as an integral part of the creative process. Fast paced and intense, this class readies students for the rigors of a college level art studio environment including critiques with the teacher and peers.
Participation in a minimum of two art competitions is required (some entrance fees may apply). Students must have taken at least one visual arts class and be recommended to the class by their teacher
Full Year Grades 9 – 12
The course introduces the discipline of painting especially acrylic painting to the student. The course will emphasize the basic elements of color, as it relates to painting. Various painting techniques will be introduced to the student. Students will also gain the ability to analyze and respond to various works, including their own. Furthermore, the students will begin to develop a more personal approach towards their work and will learn to analyze and make critical assessments about artworks. Through critiques, students will display the ability to aesthetically value and appreciate works of art, as well as understand the relationship between art, culture, and history. This course will continue, through previous lessons, to require students to apply what they have learned in the class to more difficult work as the year progresses. Furthermore, students will continue their exposure to numerous cultural and historical styles and motifs.

5321/5322 CERAMICS
Full Year Grades 11 – 12
Minimum Prerequisites: None.
This is a basic course in which the student applies design principles to hand-built clay forms, using such techniques as pinch, coil, slab and relief. Basic glazing and decorating will be covered. A field trip to a museum and a short research paper will be required. This class satisfies one year of the Visual and Performing Arts requirement.